


Personal Project


Dashboard Design

Air and Sea Transport Statistics in Cape Verde - 2017 to 2021

Interactive Tableau Dashboard: Visualizing Cabo Verde's Transportation Statistics (2017-2021)

For my portfolio project, I developed an interactive dashboard using Tableau to visualize air and sea transportation statistics in Cabo Verde from 2017 to 2021. Leveraging data from the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), specifically from the "Síntese dos Indicadores Económicos e Financeiros do INE Cabo Verde," the dashboard offers users an engaging experience. Users can filter data by year and hover over sections of the bar graph for detailed information. The data source is regularly updated with the latest statistics available at (, ensuring the dashboard remains current and informative.

© Álvaro Lima 2024 

© Álvaro Lima 2024 

© Álvaro Lima 2024