
Design competetion


Personal Project


Motion Graphic Design / Industrial Design

Reflexo da Palavra

Reflexo da Palavra was my submission to the 6th edition of the URDI design competition promoted within the scope of the Created in Cabo Verde Salon by the National Center for Art, Crafts and Designs (CNAD)” in São Vicente. The notice, “PALAVRA, Formas a partir de saberes”, invited designers, artisans, architects and other creatives, in the archipelago and in the diaspora, to conceive a design project that has as its conceptual basis the Cape Verdean oral tradition (stories, legends, riddles , popular sayings – among others) and design an item for everyday use.


Cape Verdean artist Princezito states that “Finasson is the first folio of Cape Verdean intellectuality, it is the first lyrical expression of Cape Verde. Along with Batuko.” If we consider the Word (Palavra) as being the light in the transmission of ancestral knowledge from father and mother to son and daughter orally, what would be the Reflection of the Word? I think there are many answers to this question. However, the one I present as a form of application for this competition involves the literal representation of the Word, in its different forms of lyrical expression, using two design pieces. A digital piece in the form of animation, or “motion graphic” 1 projected as a 3D hologram 2 and a physical piece, made of recycled wood, which will be the projection support. The goal is to present Finasson and Batuko in a never-before-seen way. For this, my solution to achieving the “convenient lighting” for good projection is made up of two wooden structures. a base and a plate, which together will form the projection support. 1 “Motion graphics is animation, but with text as the main component. Essentially, it is animated graphic design.” Ref.: 2 “Holograms are records of objects that, when illuminated in a convenient way, allow the observation of objects that gave rise to it.” Ref.:

© Álvaro Lima 2024 

© Álvaro Lima 2024 

© Álvaro Lima 2024